Amy Gibas
Artist and Instructor

Amy Gibas
Curriculum Vitae
Master of Fine Arts in Painting + Drawing, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2017
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing, Summa Cum Laude, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2014
Associate of Arts, Delta College, University Center, Michigan, 2010
Graduate Recruitment Scholarship, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2014 to 2017
Graduate Assistantship, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2014 to 2017
Certificate of Recognition, Outstanding Graduate in Art, College of Arts and Behavioral Sciences, Saginaw Valley State University, Michigan, 2014
President’s List, Saginaw Valley State University, 2011 to 2013
Dean’s List, Saginaw Valley State University, 2011 to 2012
Board of Trustees Scholarship, Delta College, University Center, Michigan, 2008
President’s List, Delta College, University Center, Michigan, 2009 to 2010
Vice President’s List, Delta College, University Center, Michigan, 2008
EXHIBITIONS (Solo exhibitions marked by an *)
Joy (This is Just What I Needed), Edward A. Dixon Gallery, Digital Exhibition, Dayton, Ohio, 2021
Painters & Potters, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2021
Painters & Potters, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2020
Terre Voce, Buckham Gallery, Flint, Michigan, 2019
Arts & Letters Fest, Delta College Student and Faculty Art Show, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2019
SVSU Art Alumni Show, University Art Gallery, Arbury Fine Arts Center, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2018
Painters and Potters, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2018
State of the Arts Exhibition, Saginaw Township Building, Saginaw, Michigan, 2018
Small Works National Art Exhibition, Southwest Artists Inc., Mena, Arkansas, 2018
Woman Made Midwest Open, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, Illinois, 2018
Postcard Salon, Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, Michigan, 2018
Good Things Come in Small Packages, Studio Channel Islands, Camarillo, California, 2017
Small Works National Art Exhibition, Southwest Artists Inc., Mena, Arkansas, 2017
* Gibas Aeronautics, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Ohio University Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2017
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Spring, 2017
Athens Voices, The Dairy Barn Arts Center, Athens, Ohio, 2017
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Fall, 2016
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Spring, 2016
For the Love of Athens County, Arts West, Athens, Ohio, 2015
Paint is Thicker than Water, The Esther Allen Greer Museum Gallery, Rio Grande Community College, Rio Grande, Ohio, 2015
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Fall, 2015
Two, Ohio University Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2015
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Spring, 2015
One, Trisolini Gallery, Baker University Center, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2015
Neoteric, Majestic Galleries, Nelsonville, Ohio, 2015
Never Enough Space, Cube 4 Gallery, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 2014
Open Studios, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Fall, 2014
* Winter 2014 Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition, University Art Gallery, Arbury Fine Arts Center, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2014
Saginaw Township Art in Public Places Juried Exhibition, Saginaw Township Building, Saginaw, Michigan, 2014
Christmas Tales, Saginaw Choral Society, Temple Theater, Saginaw, Michigan, 2013
Fantasies of the Opera, Saginaw Choral Society, Temple Theater, Saginaw, Michigan, 2013
Amy Gibas and Megan Csizak, The Sweet Boutique, Bay City, Michigan, 2013
Saginaw Valley State University 8th Annual Student Art Show, University Art Gallery, Arbury Fine Arts Center, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2013
Saginaw Valley State University 7th Annual Student Art Show, University Art Gallery, Arbury Fine Arts Center, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2012
Crumb’s Gourmet Cookie Cafe, Saginaw, Michigan, 2011
pARTicipate, Court Street Gallery, Saginaw, Michigan, 2010
Sails Away Progressive Painting, Winona Park, Bay City, Michigan, June 2021
Incorporated additional painted imagery to a collaborative progressive painting during summer concert series in the park.
GIBAS IV Launch, Radar Hill, Athens, Ohio, June 2017
Assembled crew to launch and recover weather balloon with camera and tracking device attached. Recovered in Sutton, West Virginia.
GIBAS III Launch, Radar Hill, Athens, Ohio, November 2016
Assembled crew to launch and recover weather balloon with camera and tracking device attached. Unrecovered.
AeroKnowledge Launch, Glidden Hall, Ohio University, October 2016
Launched weather balloon containing student artwork and message to potential discoverers. Unrecovered.
GIBAS II Launch, Radar Hill, Athens, Ohio, April 2016
Assembled crew to launch and recover weather balloon with camera and tracking device attached. Recovered in Marlinton, West Virginia.
GIBAS I Launch, Radar Hill, Athens, Ohio, October 2015
Assembled crew to launch and recover weather balloon with camera and tracking device attached. Recovered in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
Powell, Dennis, A personal space program isn’t all that easy, says Capt. Gibas, The Athens News, May 2017.
Powell, Dennis, Balloon carrying art project recovered after 150-mile flight, The Athens News, April 2016.
Powell, Dennis, To Infinity and Beyond! Grad Student Masters the Stratosphere, The Athens News, April, 2016.
OU Student Artists Spotlighted at Majestic Galleries, WOUB, January 27, 2015.
Abraham, Brandy, Four times the talent at BFA exhibit, The Valley Vanguard, April 28, 2014.
Bur, Alison, Amy Gibas- Bachelor of Fine Arts, Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery, May 2, 2014.
Cardinal Sins Fall 2013, 33.1, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI.
McGee, Daniel, SVSU Student Artwork at Sweet Boutique, March 1, 2013.
Gibas Aeronautics, MFA Thesis Lecture, Ohio University, 2017
Gibas Aeronautics, Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts, Ohio University, Spring, 2017
Research and Application, Advanced Painting, Ohio University, Fall, 2016
Gallery Talk, Paint is Thicker than Water, The Esther Allen Greer Museum Gallery, Rio Grande Community College, Rio Grande, Ohio, 2015
Artist Lecture, Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts, Ohio University, Spring, 2015
First Year Graduate Artist Talk, Ohio University, 2014
State of the Arts, Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, Ohio, 2015 to 2017
Annual exhibition featuring artwork from teachers working in the state of Ohio. Assisted in selection of artwork, arrangement and installation of pieces within the gallery
Chicago Paints, Ohio University Art Gallery, Athens, Ohio, 2016
Assisted in arrangement and installation of paintings within the gallery
Studio 23, Bay City Michigan, 2018-present
Exhibition Committee Member
Assist in selection of exhibiting artists, organization and logistics of exhibitions and educational events, and extending hospitality to visiting artists
Artists Collective Co-Chair
Collaborate with Studio 23 Curator to organize events, lectures, and professional development opportunities for studio members -
Majestic Gallery, Nelsonville, Ohio, 2014 to 2016
Mi Art Studio, Bay City, Michigan, 2014
Saginaw Valley State University Art Faculty Exhibit: Work by Professor Shaun Bangert. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. January 27, 2014.
Jon Elliott: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. December 4, 2013.
Samuel Dantuma: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. December 2, 2013
Patricia McDonald: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Sculpture. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. November 25, 2013.
Olivia Nixon: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Graphic Design. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. November 20, 2013.
Student Artwork on Campus: Umbra by Patricia McDonald. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. November 6, 2013.
Student Spotlight: Erin Case. SVSU University Art Gallery. October 30, 2013.
Student Work on Campus: Katie Stanton, Untitled. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. October 21, 2013.
Peter Clouse: Grandma’s Cookie Jar. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. October 16, 2013.
A. Elisabeth Hogh’s Untitled Abstraction. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. October 2, 2013.
The Sacred Way, Collagraph Print by Barron Hirsch. Saginaw Valley State University Art Gallery. September 25, 2013.
Chicago Paints Exhibition, Catalogue, Published by Ohio University Art Gallery, 2016
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Instructor-of-Record)
Art Experience, Delta College, Fall 2021
Art Experience is an introductory course in studio art designed to give the non-art major experience with a variety of materials and techniques and encourage experimentation.
2D Design, Delta College, Winter 2021
Two-dimensional design is an introduction to fundamental concepts of 2D art, including the elements and principles of design, ideation and the process of developing ideas to a finished piece, and working in a range of methods and materials while developing relevant vocabulary.
Art Experience, Delta College, Fall 2020
2D Design, Delta College, Winter 2020
Art Experience, Delta College, Fall 2019
2D Design, Delta College, Winter 2019
Art Experience, Delta College, Winter 2019
Introduction to Drawing, Ohio University, Spring, 2017
Introduction to Drawing develops fundamental skills and techniques in drawing with emphasis on creative expression, perception, and composition. Designed for the non-art student in the general university seeking an appreciation and heightened understanding of art and art practices.
Experimental Drawing and Painting, Ohio University, Fall, 2016
Experimental Drawing and Painting is an exploration of traditional and nontraditional drawing and painting techniques involving contemporary strategies of presentation and research methodologies designed for studio majors.
Introduction to Drawing, Ohio University, Spring, 2016
Introduction to Drawing, Ohio University, Fall, 2015
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Teaching Assistant)
Seeing and Knowing the Visual Arts, Foundations Area, Ohio University, Spring 2015
This large lecture (160 students) course is an introduction to perceiving and understanding meanings and organizational systems in traditional and contemporary visual arts in context of their social and cultural backgrounds.
Foundations: Structure, Ohio University (assisted Melissa Haviland), Fall 2014
This class explores structure as it can be applied to physical, organizational, conceptual, spatial, contextual, and fixed as well as plastic approaches in the consideration of and making of art and design. This is a cross-disciplinary studio art foundations course emphasizing how similar concerns and principles can be applied to a variety of forms, materials, and traditions.
Acrylic Painting, Studio 23 & Saginaw Art Museum, Saginaw, Michigan, Spring 2019
This six-week painting course focuses on introductory techniques to acrylic painting including color mixing and paint application, as well as introducing a range of subject matter including still lives, landscapes, and portraiture.
Acrylic Painting Adult Workshop, Studio 23, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Bay City, Michigan, Spring 2019
This four week workshop focuses on introductory techniques to acrylic painting through still life studies with an emphasis on color and composition.
Image Transfer Workshop, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, Fall 2018
In this two hour workshop, students learn to transfer printed images to canvas using acrylic mat medium and finalize transferred images with watercolor.
Studio 23 Artist Collective Chair, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2019-present
Collaborate with Studio 23 Curator to organize events, lectures, and professional development opportunities for studio members
Studio 23 Exhibition Committee, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2019-present
Assist in selection of exhibiting artists, organization and logistics of exhibitions and educational events, and extending hospitality to visiting artists
Santa House Greeter, Santa House, Bay City, Michigan, 2019
Welcomed guests to Santa House, maintained orderly lines and interactions with displays, and handled cash for pictures with Santa.
Reception, Studio 23, Bay City, Michigan, 2018
Welcomed and shared exhibit information with gallery guests, operated front desk procedures.
Gallery Attendant, University Art Gallery, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2012 to 2014
Operated front desk, shared exhibit information with gallery guests, operated gallery social media and blog posts.
Art History Tutor, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, 2014
Assisted students of introductory art history courses in study tactics, methods of discussion and writing, and comprehension of subject matter.